Ferrets Are Available

For Adoption Now!

We want to emphasize that we do have a wait list, first come, first served. We never know when a ferret comes here and when they are ready to go. We like saying this all revolves around Divine Timing! So please, get on the wait list if you're serious about wanting a ferret.

We just want to make sure the ferrets have the best home possible. We encourage free roam above all but understand when a cage is partially needed for the ferret's safety at times. They don't mind an open door policy and settle down in one if they can choose it. Just remember, these are sentient beings with personalities, and are not ornaments to be brought out when YOU want to play. Try to see through the eyes of the ferret, staring through bars at you. How would it make you feel? These are rescues and they usually have issues due to cages.

We get a lot of ferrets that are older or have medical problems, too, that we usually have to take care of on our own. Some are too fragile to move on and must stay here.

Consider what pets you currently have, especially dogs. Can you guarantee the safety of the ferret as it free roams? If not, get a gerbil or hamster. When it comes to cats, ferrets eat on the floor, and so do cats. Cat food is terrible for them; it's a fast track to disease due to pea products. Consider the cats safety, too; ferrets play hard! We had a ferret here that was mauled by a cat, so be wary of your situation.

Also consider your children's maturity level when it comes to owning ferrets. Kids are great with them but must remember that ferrets are fragile and can easily be hurt.


We appreciate your interest but think it over! I've had people contact me then float away, never a peep again. Then my inner Karen comes out, and it's worse, because I'm a FERRET MOM! I don't mess around when it comes to their well-being. Sure, ask questions but let me know, hey or nay, what your intentions are. The ferrets are waiting for a loving home, don't get in the way!

If you were on the wait list before and never heard back, let me know if you are still interested!



"Phoebe and Misty were Adopted!"

"Athena was Adopted!"

"Coco went back to her mother!"

"Emmett and Ozzy, Bella and Stella"

This family of 4 is a young family, all are 1 year old. Emmet and Ozzy are boys, beautiful Blackfoot ferrets! Bella and Stella have unique markings, cream colored with dark accents and white paws. Kind of fluffy, you just want to grab them and kiss them and give a squeeze! BUT, you better steal those kisses quickly because Bella can bite! I was lured by her magnificence and lingered too close and my cheek got bit. Just respect her boundaries! Stella is a little more forgiving. They are twins, and watching them run together is a sight. The only way you can tell them apart is that Bella's face is lighter. As for Emmett and Ozzy, they are twins, too; we tell them apart by Ozzy's nails are white, and Emmett's are black. They are active, independent, and seem to be using the pads to poo. A very smart family, capable of learning to use a harness and leash to walk, too. Older kids only, just in case! They will melt your hearts, so have a little patience with their transition.

"L' Shomps"

Miss Chomps, 5 years old, was named because of her habit for biting ankles when she's upset. She has quieted down a lot, biting habits happen when there is stress in the ferret's life. So, her name was changed to "Lay Shomps", with a French twist, very dignified! Her name could morph into Lady Shomps! She's a Blackfoot with some white markings around her face.

She has benefitted from the Milkbone Minis Biscuits and leaves crumbs behind, as well as most of our ferrets. She gets along with other ferrets to a certain extent but is ok solo and very sweet, just misunderstood. She has many years left and is very independent. She would love a single person or couple to bond with. I don't think she would like younger kids, other pets, and the chaos that comes with it. Be careful handling her a lot at first, let her explore and know you. L' Shomps is worthy of so much love! Just have respect for her boundaries! 


Luna is a Blackfoot girl, around 3 years old. She has thinning fur on her tail, will need an adrenal shot in the near future. Luna loves to cuddle, has no problem being a single ferret. She is gentle with people and worthy of a great life! Poor thing lost all her family but is bravely moving on. A very independent lady!



We have a family of 8 that will be listed very soon! Can you open your home to a large ferret family? They are sweethearts! Since they just got here, schools in session, learning how to be free roam ferrets. We will see who hangs with who, if they pair up or stick together. They have scattered to every corner here! For now, we are getting their names matched with faces, lol!