Your ferret needs regular grooming. Tim always checks them daily for fleas, using glasses and tweezers. We are currently using BugMD on them with great results. It's very organic and non-toxic, has a lovely clove scent. It's easy to apply and repels other bugs, too. You're always looking for anything on their coat and skin in general: scratches, bumps, bites. They do play hard at times, especially the boys! Check their ears regularly; they can grow taters in their ears just like cats and dogs. A good product for that is Eradimite drops. Just a drop or two in each ear and rub slightly to distribute. They have ferret ear mite drops, but you can use the stuff for cats and dogs.
Ferrets need a rabies shot once a year. But when it comes to a rescue, we just don't know what comes in. So, we cannot guarantee a current shot record on the ferret, and it's up to you to get a current rabies shot for the ferret. You can also get them through any county you live in for a small donation, monthly during the summer. In Oswego County, its $7.00. It’s more expensive through a vet’s office, of course. We can recommend Liverpool Village Animal Hospital for those Adrenal shots we are always talking about.
You also need to keep their toenails trimmed. The front paws mainly; never touch the dew claw, which is their thumb on that front paw. They need that in order to grip. And if you’ve ever seen them eat a ferret stick, you'll know because they grip it like a little raccoon in their hands. Clip just across the tips; don’t cut into the cuticle. Use trimmers meant for small animals, don’t use human ones. Their back nails are usually left alone because they need them for climbing, and they usually file themselves as they go on. But if they don’t, you might have to intervene and trim them, too. Long nails can break and snag on their bedding. If your ferret spends most of its time in a cage, you're gonna have to do their nails more than just every once in a while.
We're pretty against cages, but we do understand that it's necessary for some times. But cages should always have an open door. They should never be stopped from exploring and let them out at night especially. These are prime times, and they love to look for mice. Let them be ferrets! They'll go nuts in the cage hurting themselves if you don't let them out. A lot of ferrets we get have ground down front teeth, or broken ones from chewing on the bars. Also, their nails can break from the constant clawing. Some ferrets are caged so long that they depend on it, find comfort in it. When they come here, even if they have a cage, they are free to explore. Once they do that, the cage is forgotten quickly. How can they be put back into one after that? They also tend to waddle, an exaggerated gait from lack of exercise, which quickly goes away with play.